
  • Clients can now make files public according to a new setting (all clients, none, or manually allowed ones)
  • Implemented resumable downloads via php file serving (by jesbrand)
  • Fixed issues when updating due to invalid MySQL date values (by guitoulefoux)
  • Fixed directory traversal security issue (by (Thrun12)
  • Fixed all known XSS vulnerabilities
  • Fixed a security issue due to files IDs not being type validated (by ranjit-git)
  • Fixed file wrong file names in certain downloads (by guitoulefoux)
  • Fixed wrong migrations on users and files relations tables (by guitoulefoux)
  • Replaced invalid characters on file names when downloading the files
  • Fixed download of files with special characters (by PC-COLLEGE-Training)
  • Added Microsoft Graph OAuth2 support (by Seros)
  • Added IIS Compatibility (by Trapulo)
  • Updated dependencies
  • Added Security policy (by zidingz)
  • Fixed X-Accel downloads (by alexey001)
  • Fixed rejection of files with uppercase extensions while trying to upload
  • Prevented more file types from executing from the uploads directory
  • Fixed file name not showing in manage files after renaming (by cesarcorrea)
  • Fixed plupload translation not loading (by jensbrand)
  • Improved compatibility with newer versions of php
  • Fixed and issue that returned a 500 error on the Manage Files page